Total number of projects: 2
Integrative Approaches in Social Work and Social Policy: Multidisciplinary Perspectives and Innovative Strategies for Enhancing the Effectiveness and Sustainability of Professional Practice in Social Work and Social Policy II (MUNI/A/1748/2024)
MU Researcher: doc. PhDr. Pavel Navrátil, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Social Studies Project Period: 1/2025 — 12/2025Investor: Masaryk University / Specific research - support for student projects -
Promoting civic participation of people with intellectual disabilities (TQ01000047)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Miloš Votoupal, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Social Studies Project Period: 9/2023 — 11/2026Investor: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic / SIGMA
Total number of publications: 7
Analyzing the fight for decency : Combining framing and emotional approaches to social movement theory
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, year: 2025, DOI
Comparing the Impacts of Czech ALMP Training Programmes Implemented During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic to Programmes in 2016 and 2019
Social Policy and Administration, year: 2025, DOI
Everything for the child : Making grandparents into primary foster caregivers
Children and Youth Services Review, year: 2025, volume: 170, edition: March, DOI
Family responses to youth who have engaged in deliberate self-harm : A qualitative constructive grounded theory study in Sri Lanka
Journal of Population and Social Studies, year: 2025, volume: 33, edition: 1, DOI
Framing in the Authoritarian Context : Policy Advocacy by Environmental Movement Organisations in China
Social Movement Studies, year: 2025, volume: 24, edition: 1, DOI
Using the Intersectional Approach to Social Policy to Investigate the Adult Worker Model
Social Policy and Society, year: 2025, DOI
The Development of e-Services in the Evolution of e-Government in the V4 Countries
Navigating Globotics at the Semi-periphery. Public Management and Governance Shifts in the Visegrád Group under Globalisation and Technological Change, year: 2025, number of pages: 21 s.